Breanna turned 4 in heaven on November 5th. I have found that this year was just as hard as the first. We did our annual tradition and we released 4 balloons each and sent them to heaven for her. I hope she knows how incredibly missed and loved she will always be. Today I look at Brooklyn and wonder a lot about Breanna, not the same as I did with Nicholas. I thanked God for giving me another daughter but it comes with a lot of different emotions, and memories. Words can not explain. As I get to experince new beginings with Brookee I wonder how it would of been with Breanna. I can only hope that one day we with be together again and until then all I can do is keep Breanna's memories alive. I love you and will always miss you sweetheart! RIP.....
I would also like to thank everyone that took the time to think of my baby girl. All the calls, emails and messages from close family and friends and a special blog wrote by Jordan's mommy! It truly touched my heart. And a special thanks to my mom and brother for going to the cemetery with me and being my support system. I love you all!
Happy 4th Birthday in Heaven sweet baby girl! You sure are a beautiful baby. I think your little sister looks like you. I know mommy misses you soooooooooo much and would give anything to have you back. What you and your mommy did giving Jordan his second chance at life is the most awesome thing anyone could do. You are a hero. Through your tragedy, you saved another little boy who wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for your heart. I'm sure it is hard on mommy to watch Jordan grow up and wonder what you would have been like. The things you would have liked. Your legacy will always live on. RIP sweet baby girl.
I love the picture. I didn't want to call you on her birthday but trust me I didn't forget. It's always a topic I want to dance around with you because I no longer know what to say. I know some people have diminished how you felt this year and I'm sorry for that. And I know were not as close as we used to be but I'm still here for you. I'm honored that I get to stay in your life and be an aunt to ALL your children. Plus you make my brother happy!
I think it's so brave of you to post this. No one can imagine what Breanna's loss can really mean for you, even as the years go by. How can you ever forget such a thing.
And beanieb is right - Jordan would not be here today without Breanna or you. That is a legacy as she said. I hope when he is old enough to understand, we can share with him what a gift his life has been.
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