Sunday, November 4, 2007


Here is some pics of the boys from Halloween. I haven't had much to update because I am currently working as a temp. Lots of hours like 58 a week. And Im freakin exhausted. For a short update Nicholas is offically crawling and crusing along furniture. He is 22.2 pounds. He is off the bottle and on whole milk. He is getting to be a big boy. Still not to stable as he loves to pull his self up to the couch and walk along it he cant figure out how to get down. So he either screams until you get him down or just falls head first. Things has been a little crazy around our house since I started working. I will update more soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That first costume is scary! Is that Brandon?!?!? Ohmigod. Nicholas looks adorable. Congrats on the job - those hours sound pretty crazy!